Supplementary courses for
3 and 4 years
Primary school
Children who turn three years of age by 31 August can enroll in nursery school.
Educational activities
Educational activities for nursery school children are divided into five "fields of experience", identified by ministerial decree 254 of 2012 which contains the national guidelines for the curriculum of nursery school and the first cycle of education:
The self and the other
The child develops a sense of personal identity, is aware of his own needs and feelings, knows how to control them and express them adequately, listens to others and gives explanations of his own behavior and point of view; dialogues, discusses and plans by comparing hypotheses and procedures, plays and works in a constructive and creative way with other children; includes those who are sources of authority and responsibility; knows how to follow rules of conduct and take responsibility.
The body and movement
The child achieves good personal autonomy in eating and dressing, recognizes the body's signals; feels pleasure in movement and in different forms of activity, knows how to coordinate in other individual and group games; controls the strength of the body, exercises the sensorial, cognitive, relational, rhythmic and expressive potential of the body, knows its different parts and represents it.
Images, sounds, colors
The child communicates, expresses emotions, tells and invents stories and expresses himself through drawing, painting and various manipulative activities and different forms of representation and dramatization. He experiments and combines materials and instruments, musical elements and technologies to enjoy different artistic forms, to communicate and express himself through them.
The speeches and the words
The child develops mastery of the use of the Italian language and enriches and specifies his own vocabulary, develops confidence and motivation in expressing and communicating emotions, questions, reasoning and thoughts to others; is aware of their mother tongue, tells, invents, listens and understands narratives and the reading of stories, dialogues, discusses, asks for explanations and explains, uses an appropriate language to plan activities and to define the rules.
Knowledge of the world
The child groups and orders according to different criteria, compares and evaluates quantities; places himself, objects and people correctly in space; correctly follows a route based on verbal directions; it orients itself in the time of life; captures natural transformations; is curious, exploratory, asks questions, discusses, compares hypotheses, explanations, solutions and actions, and uses appropriate language to describe observations or experiences.