Journalism course

Say yes
and participate with us at RADIO DI D.C. !
Five theory lessons followed by five interviews.
Microphones, recorders, software and equipment are made available by Casa Italiana as part of the "Podcast and Newspaper" project started in 2019.
In 2020 we inaugurated the only Italian PODCAST in the Washington area. If you are interested (adults and children) in making your contribution by participating, creating or organizing a program, contact us for e-mail.
Via Zoom
March (dates to be established)
+ 5 appointments for interviews after school hours or on weekends.
Registration opens on January 15, 2021.
Only 10 places available!

The teachers: Manuela Cavalieri and Donatella Mulvoni
The two journalists received the 2019 Amerigo award in the Periodicals section for their reports published in the magazine.Friday of Repubblica.
Manuela Cavalieri was born in Oliveto Citra. Graduated with honors in Modern Literature from the University of Salerno, she has been a professional journalist since 2011. In 2009 she moved to New York and did her journalistic internship at the newspaper America Oggi. He has lived in Washington since 2013. A freelance journalist, over the years he has collaborated with the major Italian newspapers. Among them Gruppo Repubblica-L'Espresso, Agi, Rai, Radio Rai.
Donatella Mulvoni was born in Cagliari. Graduated with honors in Communication Sciences from La Sapienza University of Rome, she has been a professional journalist since 2012. She has lived in New York since 2008. In the United States she completed her journalistic internship at the newspaper America Oggi. Freelance journalist, over the years he has collaborated with the major Italian newspapers, including Gruppo Repubblica-L'Espresso, Agi, Rai, Radio Rai, Quotidiano Nazionale, Il Messaggero, Il Secolo XIX, Mediaset, La Nuova Sardegna