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  1. Students enter the classroom equipped only with what they need to carry out their work. Phones must be turned off and in your backpack, not in your pocket.

  2. Students must maintain correct and respectful behavior towards people, the environment and teaching material.

  3. You cannot shout, push, run, open or look into lockers, push or attack each other even if only for fun, dirty things, do gymnastics, play games such as football or volleyball, even using recycled materials, or damage what you find. within the school perimeter. You raise your hand before speaking, you don't leave your desk without permission.

  4. During the break, students leave the classrooms and remain in the relevant corridor. Papers and snack remnants should be thrown into the bins. In the case of outdoor recess, the same behavioral rules apply; you cannot throw stones or anything else or tear branches. The students follow the teacher in an orderly manner both to leave and return to class after the break.

  5. Permissions for late entry and/or early exit from school must be requested by parents by email with the teacher in copy. No student may leave the classroom unless accompanied by one of the parents or an adult delegated by them.

Supplementary Course Regulations

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